Monday, 27 September 2010

Pro Meeting-Tuesday

If you aren’t familiar, we encourage our Protectosaurs to meet up as a group once a week to discuss issues on the island and other items of interest. However, the meetings aren’t closed off to only Pros – they are more like Town Hall style meetings for everyone to discuss island business. Everyone has an equal stake in Webosaurs and we would love to hear what is on your mind. Come by and chat, but please remember to be respectful as we try to run our meetings in an organized fashion!

Where: Lizard Lounge

When: Tuesday, September 28th – 12:00 WST and 16:00 WST

Server: Cretaceous

New Pros: Trodin

Well done Trodin!


Author recruitment!

Hey Dinos,

Interested in becoming an author on this blog? Jobs required to be filled are...

Designer - Design a new banner for Webo Crew
Poster - Write a paragraph about a Webosaurs experience
Editor - Show knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation by writing a guide about it

Any more questions can be asked on my Twitter page or ask me directly on Webosaurs! Email all entries to


AFB's Leaving Message

Hey Dinos,

AFB recently updated his Twitter with this message...

Well, if any of you dont know, I quit virtual worlds a while ago. I moved on, I was also too old. Im 13 and i shouldnt sit on VWs anymore

Recruitment will be starting soon!


GOTW-Dance Party

Hey Dinos,

Mio has just posted about this week's GOTW and Dance Party did it! The old classic is giving out major coinage, why not give it a try?


Saturday, 25 September 2010

Fall catalogue now out!

Hey Dinos,

Check out the Fall catalogue on Webosaurs! It's like the Spring edition but Fossil Magic had been added. A guide on Fossil Magic will soon follow!


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Daily Dino Fact!

Yo dinos! This is really more suitable for a Pterry’s True Science but Horns accidently dropped a boulder on him so he’s out of commission for a while (be sure to give Horns grief about that at the party on Friday). So… without further ado, let’s get to it. Paleontologists found something very cool today. In Southern Utah, they found two new species of Ceratopsian dinosaurs, closely related to Triceratops. One of them had 15 horns on its head and is the most decorated dinosaur of its kind ever found!

To add to the crazy number of horns it had, they gave the dinosaurs the most ridiculous name ever! Kosmoceratops, how crazy is that? Makes me think of a space dinosaur. Of course… looking at this guy, it would make sense. Each horn is between 6 inches (15.2 cm) and 1 foot long (30.5 cm)! For so many horns, you would think it wouldn’t look like a combover. Hah!


Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Hey Dinos,

Pro meeting info is here!

  • Members only dance party this Friday-17:00WST in the Bluggin Beach Bunker with a free item for all who attend!
  • Chrisdog Party this Saturday
  • Monkeydude party this Sunday
  • Weboween will be this October
  • November is "Sports month"
What do you think

Friday, 17 September 2010

MVA decorations here!

Hey Dinos!

The MVA decorations are now here. Take a look!

What do you think?


MVA's in full swing!

The Webosaurs Music Video Awards (MVAs) are finally upon us! Starting Friday, the Island is going to be decorated like crazy for this TWO WEEK Music Festival! That’s not the only thing coming:

  • Crazy parties featuring the Webosaurs dinos and Celebrity guest parties!
  • Brand New Dance Animations you can buy in Jungle Beach
  • Submit your best Music Videos on Webosaurs Island for the chance to win a 2010 MVA trophy award!

We’re going to be taking your submissions for the MVAs on the Webosaurs Forum. Make a music video with your friends and shoot in on Webosaurs Island. Add your submission on the Forum to be eligible to win one of the coveted MVA trophies in many different categories.

To help you make some killer music videos, we’ve added Dance Animations to buy in the Bluggin’ Beach Bunker in Jungle Beach. These dances will be for member’s only so pick one up if you don’t have one already!

Celebrity guests and special parties will be happening throughout the MVAs so be sure to check the blog often for announcements of all these crazy events. We’ll be giving away cool cave items and partying hard!

Official MVA award date is October 2nd


Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Daily Dino Fact!

Today’s Daily Dino fact comes courtesy of a question by Optimas, “Out of all Dinos, who was the biggest to ever live?” While the definition of “biggest” is up to a certain amount of interpretation, it is generally safe to say that a Sauropod was the biggest. Argentinosaurus (translated to Argetina Lizard, named after the country in which it was found), is generally thought to be the heaviest dino, weighing over 100 tons. Another Sauropod, Sauroposeidon, was most certainly the tallest, but enough about Sauropod’s, today’s Daily Dino Fact is going to focus on a couple other, less-celebrated, dinos that could be considered the BIGGEST for other reasons.

That's no small Pterry!

The biggest Pterosaur was called Quetzalcoatlus and it had a wingspan of up to 45 feet, that’s more than 5 times bigger than a Bald Eagle! Check it out next to that sedan, I think I’d just take the bus if that guy was hanging out by my car. Seriously, that is one freaky, giant prehistoric bird! There is still some debate as to whether this bad-boy flew or walked around on two legs, but if it did get airborne it was by far the largest animal ever to take to the skies. Just remember if you see a giant flying shadow when you’re outside today, it’s probably just an airplane and not a Quetzalcoatlus sneak attack!

Giant Cow-Frog?

One of my all-time favorites won’t win any beauty contests, but the biggest Therapsid ever was called Moschops. Therapsid literally means, “mammal-like reptile,” and that’s exactly what the Moschops were, they mostly grazed on short vegetation like cows… but then had outward sprawling front limbs, like lizards or frogs. Weird. These guys did get a little feisty and are thought to have butted heads like mountain goats, so never stand between two Moschops!

What do you think?


MVA Palooza!

You might have heard the rumors swirling around Webosaurs Island that there’s going to be an epic party this Saturday to kick off the MVAs (There will be more information coming soon about the MVAs, but they are going to be Music Video Awards for videos that YOU DINOS make, so get your thinking caps on). Well, it’s true, there is going to be an epic party this Saturday. We knew we wanted to have a concert, there was just one problem… Everyone wanted to perform, Rexxy, Horns, Pterry and Stretch all wanted a piece of the spotlight and their own stage! So there was only one logical thing to do right? Build four stages, well, that’s exactly what we did. That’s right, come on down to Webosaurs Island on Saturday for Webo-pallooza the MVAs Kick-off party and see each of your four favorite characters rocking out in the Geyser, Sub Alpine Forest, Croc. Peninsula and Sonoran Sands.

Webopallooza is just the beginning. MVA decorations will be up all over Webosaurs Island for two weeks until the actual MVAs on October 2nd, it’s going to be a non-stop party, so I hope you’re ready!

Oh waitttt, did I mention the sick giveaway item that you’ll get at the party? Oh, whoops, well that’s right everyone who comes to Webopallooza will receive this beautiful MVA guitar. Yee haw!

Webopallooza MVAs Kick-off starts at 12:00 noon WST on the Jurassic Server.

Are you coming?


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Scavenger hunt cheats!

Here you go dinos!

1. Gushing Geyser– Mio
2. Bucklands Peak– Quetzalcoatlus
3. Dino Dunes– Art Shack
4. Voodoo Hideaway(Soggy Bottom Swamp)– Argentinosaurus
5. Camposaurus Canvas Tent(Sub Alpine Forest)– Patagonian Power Lifting
6. Forest Floor– Edmarka’s Town Store
7. Tonto Plateau– Sauroposeidon
8. Carniverous Cavern– Stokeosaurus Town Store
9. Croc Peninsula– Gushing Geyser
10. Hillside Canopy– Moschops
11. Webo Ridge- Yes
12. Soggy Bottom Swamp- Tacos

Enjoy the BBQ Grill!


Pro Meeting and 200th post!

Hey Dinos,

Protectosaur Meeting, it’s going DOWN today. As most of you probably know there are Town Hall style Protectosaur Meetings most Tuesdays on the island. They’re open to everyone, so stop by and chat about what’s going on on Webosaurs Island! This is going to be an especially AWESOME and memorable Protectosaur Meeting as it will be my very first one! I’m Looking forward to seeing you all there this afternoon, it will be a blast, but remember let’s keep it organized and respectful. Mio rules with a tiny and Rexxy… but IRON fist!

Where: Rolling Hills Chamber

When: Tuesday, September 14 – 16:00 WST

Server: Cretaceous


Monday, 13 September 2010

Power Lifting is GOTW!

Hey Dinos,

Mio came onto the blog to talk about GOTW,

Monday, Monday, Monday… We all know what that means, it’s Game of the Week time! Because I’ve taken over the Webosaurs Blog for the week I decided to have a little Twitter/Forum vote this morning to see what game would be featured this week and the dinos have spoken! It’s going to be a Patagonian Power Lifting week! ROCK.

Everyone knows that the MVAs are going to be insane, but it’s important that we take some time to get in shape before the big party this weekend. So take some time this week to head on over to the Hillside Canopy and pump some iron. I know Me-0 will be there working off some tacos. *Burp*

*chews tacos*


Thursday, 9 September 2010

Fossil Magic!

Hey Dinos,

The Fossil Magic prices are below. Each magic is 500 coins and everytime you use magic, you use 1 can of Mega Mojo Juice. Thanks to Sludge's Webosaurs Blog for the information!

Mega Mojo Juice Prices

  • 1 can- 50 coins
  • 6 cans- 250 coins
  • 18 cans- 800 coins

Magic List

  • Grow- Member
  • Shrink- Non member
  • Gas- Member
  • Glow- Member
What do you think?


Wednesday, 8 September 2010

MVA decorations!

Hey Dinos,

In preparation for the MVA's, Rex had posted on the Blogosaur section of the forum so we could see the decorations!

Credit goes to Sludge's Webosaurs Blog as I am unable to access the section

What do you think?

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Forum is out and the MVA's

Hey Dinos,

The forum is now public! Just sign in with your Webosaurs account to get started! Also the MVA's are going to be hosted on the 1st of October. Expect a star-studded ceremony!

Have fun!


Monday, 6 September 2010

Pro Meeting

Hey Dinos,

Another round of Pro meetings are on the cards today, here are the details!

  • Where: Putt Putt Hut
  • When: Tuesday, September 7th- 16:00 WST
  • Server: Triassic

Non-pros are welcome too!


GOTW- Hit the Crocs!

Hey Dinos,

Here is some information from Rex!

Monday again and another Game of the Week! Seems like there were varied requests this week, so we are going with Hit the Crocs! This game will be giving out some nice coinage all week long so you better hit it up.

Head to the Croc Peninsula to get in on this awesome game where you SMASH crocs in the head with a mallet! Sounds too violent? Nah, think of what the croc would do if you didn’t get to it first! Put those slimy lizards in their place and win some major coins!


Have fun spending the major coinage!


Sunday, 5 September 2010

Rex's Information!

Hey Dinos,

Rex needed a blast from the past and came on as ModosaurRex. He gave us some cool info, look below!

Also, the forum will be officially released on Tuesday!

What do you think?


Friday, 3 September 2010

Forum is off the starting blocks!

Hey Dinos,

A few minutes ago, The Webosaurs Official Forum was released. Take a look below...

The link is!


Thursday, 2 September 2010

Heya Guys,
Jemster Here! I was Just Wondering Where afb was


Daily Dino Fact!

Hey Dinos,

EB's in charge of DDF today. Let's see what she has to say!

This is a story of an Allosaurus found in North America. 95% of his Bones were found well preserved. But he died not even full-grown and the bones were found in the same position of which he had died in. He has Many Injuries and some were found even healing. One severe injury was a swollen foot, but overall he had 11 broken bones in total. Rib injuries were thought to have been made by the whip of a diplodocus’ tail, and yet he broke his tail by falling down. Ripped arms could have been cause by fighting a female Allosaur. Females are much large and more aggressive than males. But even though big Al too all these injures he got killed by a drought, dying next to a dried up river bed, but he could have died of starvation because the swollen toe would have ended his hunting days. He died just at the age of six, not even reaching adulthood. This was an extraordinary creature, but a sad story.


Awesome work EB!


Forum Location!

Hey Dinos,

As the forum is just around the corner, Sludge found the link. It will be The forum is not yet active on that link.

See ya!


Webosaurs Gang and Webo Crew teaming up!

Hey Dinos!

Recently on Webosaurs Gang, a petition started to push the Spike release back. Here is more information from Webosaurs Gang...

Recently, Webosaurs has been making a lot of decisions that a lot of us don’t agree with, the main one being coming out with Spike now. Spike has been pushing a lot of updates back. We feel that Webosaurs hasn’t planned their updates out well, and we need them to start listening to us more. Most of us feel that putting Webosaurs on Miniclip was a great idea, but it wasn’t the right time to do it. Webosaurs did it at the wrong time and hasn’t given these new dinos a reason to stay. We believe that Webosaurs should put all their focus on the forum, multiplayer battle arenas, and wearable items. Most of us think that Spike is cool, but he isn’t needed at this point and hasn’t been hyped up enough. If you agree with this and believe that the best thing for Webosaurs to do is postpone spike, please leave a comment below with your Webosaurs name, so we can add you to this list.



Hey Dinos,

Here is the Comedy Night information from Silu...

Prepare for a night of laughs because it’s almost time for another Comedy Night here on Webosaurs!

Let’s face it. It’s hard to come up with new, funny jokes every Comedy Night. This Comedy Night will be a bit different because now we’re specifically looking for corny jokes. Come prepared with the cheesiest, lamest jokes you can think of and have a great time laughing about how un-funny we all are! And since we’re not competing for the best joke, everyone that tells a joke wins. All participants will have a Pirate Flag delivered to their cave as a participation prize.

The Corny Joke Matinee is Saturday, September 4th at 12:00 WST. Meet in the Lizard Lounge on Jurassic server. Remember that each dino gets one turn to tell a joke. Dinos will be called up by name to come on the stage and show off their lack of comedy skillz. Please do not go on the stage unless it is your turn.

Good luck!
- Silu

See you!
