Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Powerlifting Tournament

Hey guys, Webosaurs is having a Power Lifting tournament. Here is the info from Rex.

"Here’s how it is going to work. There is a limited amount of space for the tournament. We will be taking a total of 8 teams with 3 members each. There are three rounds in the tournament, and a team member can only compete in one round. So the two teams that reach the finals will be using all three members. It’s up to the team to decide who will compete in what round.

Tourneys are a great chance for new dinos to get noticed. Since we want to spread the love and give some of our newcomers a shot at fame, there can only be ONE Protectosaur per team. I know this leaves some Protectosaurs out, because a lot of you are friends – but this will be great for the new dinos who haven’t had a chance to make a name for themselves yet.

Win a sick Volcano Trophy!

IMPORTANT: Once you have figured out your teams, each person needs to post a comment to this post with their team name. As soon as everyone in your team has posted a comment with the team name, you will be entered in the competition. We will take the first 8 teams to register. If someone falls through by gametime, you can use a substitute.

We will be meeting in the Croc Peninsula Treefort at 17:00 WST this Friday (June 4th, Triassic server)."


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