Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Roast Party and the Facts!

You may have heard that Tyrannosaurus Rexes were recently discovered to be cannibalistic. Well, Rexxy sure didn’t take the news lightly, he’s been running around here trying to tell everyone he can that he’s never indulged in a T-Rex snack. I believe him, but it’s still great to make fun of him and well, Rexxy is a pretty good sport, after all he’s been taking ribs from Horns for a LONG time!

To show our appreciation for Rexxy and all that he does around here, we’re going to throw a very special party for him. We’re going to roast our beloved Rexxy! For those of you that aren’t familiar with what a roast is, it’s simple, we’re going to show Rexxy how much we love him by making fun of him! So think back on all your fondest Rexxy memories and get some short arm jokes ready, it’s going to be a blast. Luckily Rexxy has some thick and leathery skin… really. We’ll be hosting the roast on Sunday at noon WST in the Ultrasaurus Tiki Lounge. Get ready to laugh and celebrate our buddy Rexxy!

Where: Ultrasaurus Tiki Lounge

When: Sunday, October 24th – 12:00-14:00 WST

Server: Jurassic

Here is a daily dino fact posted a few days earlier...

Hey Webosaurs crew, Rexxy here to clear something up… I am NOT a cannibal! Sure, sure Paleontologists have recently discovered T-Rex bite marks on other T-Rex fossils that could only mean that we were feeding on one another. Researchers are not sure if the T-Rexes that were being snacked on were killed in battle or were just found by fellow members of the species that were scavenging, but it is confirmed that T-Rex definitely ate T-Rex. And why not? I think I’d be pretty tasty AND other large carnivores tend to be cannibalistic too! Lions, Hyenas, Alligators and Polar Bears are all known to engage in cannibalism, so it’s not just us.

Still, I promise that I’m not a cannibal, really, If I can resist snacking on Horns, Pterry and Stretch I can resist snacking on members of my own species. Gross. I appreciate these Paleontologists’ hard work, but don’t paint us all with the same brush, just because some of us did it, doesn’t mean we all do! Stop the rumors, help me clear my name!

Also, a Sun and Moon party will be held this Friday at 17:00 WST

What do you think?


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